Sunday, June 03, 2007

Back in the US

Well we have now been back in the US for about two days. It has been a lot harder coming back to California then I ever thought it would be. This morning I sat in a coffee shop just watching people spend about $4.00 on a cup of coffee then another $2.00 on a bagel and cream cheese, all the while they are wearing clothes that cost them more then what it would cost someone is Africa to eat for a week. It is hard because these people around me didn't see what I saw and didn't experience the things I did and these people probably never will. The question is what to do about this. We live so different here in the US then they do in Africa and to be honest it doesn't seem right. It doesn't seem right that we can spend so much on things we don't even need when there are people that have nothing to spend on things that they desperately need. Things are not right, but the question is, is there anything we can do about it or will this always be the way it is? I pray that the Kingdom of Heaven will come down on earth and things will change...soon.

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