Wednesday, June 20, 2007


How crazy life can be... I have now been back from California about a week and a half. To be honest it seems like it has been a month. Life coming home from DTS has been harder then I ever thought it would be. Coming home was walking into a world of wedding planning, Christian bookstore, being a friend to all, and never really stopping. In a week and a half my older sister will be getting married. As soon as I came home the preparing and running around began. I just don't think I was really ready for all of this. Until yesterday I haven't stopped going since coming home on June 9. You might think I am I going over board, but really we have had showers, dress fittings, making center pieces, and much more to do. Finally yesterday I said I was doing nothing for anyone and that I was taking the day off for me and Jesus. And that is what I did and it was wonderful!
The other crazy thing about coming home has been going back to work. I have worked at a Christian Bookstore called Kregel for 4 years off and on. For the most part I have always enjoyed working there, but after coming home I can hardly stand being there. I am not sure if is because I can't handle all the "Jesus Junk" or if it is because I know that God is calling me to other things. But please pray that I will find a new job soon and that I will know it is from the Lord. Side note: we got a new t-shirt in at work that says "Jesus died for myspace in Heaven" And myspace is in a different color and has the same font as myspace online. I got a laugh from that t-shirt and thought to myself 'what are they going to think up next.'
Another crazy thing has been trying to spend time with everyone. One of my best friends moved away for two years three days after I got home so I wanted to spend as much time with her as I could. Plus I wanted to see friends from school, church, and everywhere else I know people from. It has just been hard because people seem like they want to see me then when I get with them they don't really want to hear about what has happened to me or even see my pictures. I kind of expected this coming home, but it has been harder then I thought it would be. Another sad thing about friends is that I have had hardly anytime to e-mail or call people from my DTS. This has been something laying really heavy on my heart because I love these people so much and I was with them almost 24/7 for 5 months and now I haven't spoken to anyone since coming home and I have only e-mailed a few. I have been praying that God would give me time to communicate with them or that they would just call me up.
There are things that I have enjoyed about coming home though. I have had some good times with God and really haven't fallen into a valley after the mountain. I also have been enjoying reading. I am reading the book, "The Only Road North" By Erik Mirandette. It is a book about three boys from my area who went to Africa and took dirt bikes from South Africa to Egypt delivering medication and sharing the gospel. The story ends sad, but it is powerful. It is cool to read about them because they were from our community.
Really though even though life is crazy there is still joy. One of the biggest things God taught me over DTS is joy and I have been able to stand in joy even when the world around me is moving 100mph.

1 comment:

Savannah K. said...

I'm very touched by reading all your blog entries. I hadn't checked any out until today - I didn't know you were back. I stopped by your blog to check out your pictures but didn't find any. Is there a link I'm missing?

I can only imagine how difficult it must be to readjust to U.S. life. I've not been a mission trip comparable to yours. You've seen a REALITY that few see. I do believe, however, that the blessed are for the needy, to bless in turn. This is one aspect of heaven come to earth. Keep praying, and I'll be praying with you.

I pray, also, for God's leading in the next direction. It is obvious you are growing sensitive to his wind. Amidst all your planning and business, maybe afterward if better, please give me a call. When you have time. Miss you.